Archive for the ‘Planned Work’ Category

Planned Maintenance: Santander, Milton Keynes MK9 1AA Network Diversion

Posted: Tuesday, August 4th, 2020 at 15:44 by Iain Beveridge

13/08/2020 22:00 – 14/08/2020 06:59

During the above window, please be aware that we are carrying out some essential planned maintenance at Milton Keynes MK9 1AA.

The work is a Network Diversion and customers will experience an outage during the maintenance window.

Telehouse Metro Circuit Migration

Posted: Friday, July 17th, 2020 at 11:01 by Iain Beveridge

From Monday 20th July 2020 19:00 – 02:00, Nightly until Friday 30th July 2020.

Due to the Telehouse Metro data centre closing, there is an ongoing project to migrate all Vodafone provided services to a new handoff location at Equinix Slough.

A maintenance window is scheduled nightly from 19:00 until 02:00 the following morning, customers will experience a single 30 minute outage whilst their individual circuit’s configuration is migrated and tested.

If you require any additional information, please contact the Service Desk at

At risk: bristol.core / bri165-rtr-1

Posted: Wednesday, July 15th, 2020 at 15:51 by Adam Heath

Thursday 16th July 2020, 22:00 – 23:59

After a power check within Bristol POP, BT identified an issue with part of the power infrastructure within one of our racks.

Therefore, BT will be undertaking emergency maintenance work in the above window which may require the power feeds to be moved, whilst a UPS is swapped within the rack. The core network router is not expected to experience any loss of service.

  1. Naz says:

    work is now commencing

  2. Naz says:

    work now completed

Planned Work: Birmingham TE.

Posted: Tuesday, July 14th, 2020 at 16:31 by Iain Beveridge

Wednesday 29th July 2020, 21:00 – Thursday 30th July 2020 05:00

Due to on going improvements to the power infrastructure within the BT POP’s, Birmingham TE requires both the ATS and UPS to be refreshed.

Therefore, BT will be undertaking maintenance work within the above window which will require the power feeds to be moved, whilst an ATS & UPS are swapped within the rack. Although the core network router is not expected to experience any loss of service, customers connecting into the adjacent equipment will experience a small period of downtime.

  1. All work was completed without incident.

Planned Maintenance: Quarry Hill, Leeds

Posted: Thursday, June 11th, 2020 at 15:15 by Iain Beveridge

Thursday 25th June 2020  00:01 – 07:00

During the above window, please be aware that we are carrying out some essential planned maintenance at Leeds, Quarry Hill.

The work is a Network Diversion and Customers will experience an outage during the maintenance window.

At Risk: Exeter & Plymouth

Posted: Wednesday, June 10th, 2020 at 11:20 by Adam Heath

Tuesday 30th June 2020 00:00 – 06:00

During the above window, Western Power Distribution will be carrying out work that may cause downtime on the core link between Exeter and Bristol. Traffic will route via alternative paths however there will be reduced redundancy to the Exeter and Plymouth sites.